peak or peak in the order of degree of polarity. Of pigment which has the highest degree of polarity to the polarity
of the pigment which has the lowest level, because in this study applied a reversed-phase system or a "reversed
phase". Reversed phase chromatography using a stationary phase that is less polar than the mobile phase her,
because in general the HPLC method using hydrophobic stationary phase [11].
In Table 1 shows that the extract of Padina australis mengandung saponins, flavonoids, terpenoids. Its
mechanism of flavonoid compounds thought to denature bacterial cell protein and cell membrane damage
irreparably. Flavonoids also are lipophilic which would damage the membranes of microbes. In the flavonoid-
containing phenol. Phenol is an acidic alcohol so-called karbonat. Fenol acid also has the ability to denature the
protein and cell membrane damage. Acidic conditions by the presence of phenol can affect the growth of bacteria
Terpenoids as an anti-bacterial mechanism that reacts with a transmembrane protein on the outer
membrane of the bacterial cell wall, forming a strong bond polymers resulting in the destruction of
transmembrane proteins [13]. Damage to the trans membrane protein is a compound entry and exit doors, will
reduce the permeability of the bacterial cell wall resulting in bacterial cells will lack nutrients. So that inhibited
bacterial growth or death. Saponins as antibacterial mechanism that lowers the surface tension, resulting in the
increase in permeability or leakage of cell and intracellular compounds will come out [14].
On the pictures chart the test disc of showing that the concentration of extract Padina australis is effective
inhibit the growth of Salmonella typhi using the solvent ethanol is at a concentration was 10,000 ppm as big as 4,6
ppm. As for the concentration of extract Padina australis is effective inhibit the growth of salmonella typhi use
solvent metanol is to concentrate the 10,000 ppm as big as 6,23 mm. Salmonella typhi has the compound a
handicap zone at extremely high concentrations. The higher the concentration of a material anti-bacterial activity
then an anti-bacteria getting stronger anyway. And the results show that Padina australis is able to inhibit the
growth of anti-bacteria gram positive and negative [15].
The identification of brown alga Padina australis with Spectrophotometer obtained wavelength value
chlorophyll b 444,583 nm, fucoxanthin 450,455 nm, chlorophyll a 618,664 nm, feofitin 665 nm and β caroten
426,451 nm, while the results of the identification of crude brown alga Padina australis has a retention time
chlorophyll c 6,432 sec, fucoxanthin 10,22 sec, chlorophyll a 38,5 sec, feofitin 56,82 sec and β caroten 62,144 sec.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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To cite this paper: Kartini Zailanie. 2016. Study of Padina australis using UV-VIS, HPLC and Antibacterial. J. Life Sci. Biomed. 6(1): 01-05.